Elephant #20: discretionary payments
To all those organizations which promise their employees a conspicuous bonus and change it underway with a discretionary (usually conspicuously
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To all those organizations which promise their employees a conspicuous bonus and change it underway with a discretionary (usually conspicuously
Read moreWhen people start implementing a solution without having a clue about the business problem they are trying to solve, chances
Read moreThe most powerful barrier to learning (hence to improving) is a strong belief that you already know everything.
Read moreWhen people settle for mediocrity, you can forget about continuous improvement.
Read moreA keen interest in removing info from a system is usually a clear symptom of someone’s aversion to transparency.
Read moreWhen putting into practice Scrum principles, values and rules, you don’t have to be dogmatic: yet, you need to be
Read moreWhen alignment requires agreement with a well established opinion, chances are improvements and innovation will be postponed sine die.
Read moreThere’s nothing farer from agility than working rashly, constantly putting out fires. As you may guess, The Phoenix Project (by
Read moreIf testing was only about customer satisfaction, the bug which wrongly rewards all your clients with an unexepected discount should
Read moreLet’s imagine a customer asks you for a product/service and you, as a consultant and salesperson, just sell them what
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