Ready to get rid of impediments?
Here you are my favourite takeaways from chapter 8 of Agile Software Development with Scrum, by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle, which is about Scrum and the organization.
“Organizations are rarely optimized for productivity. As they grow and mature, inefficiencies accumulate. […]
Scrum makes obstacle removal an objective. […]
Scrum offers organizations the opportunity to identify obstacles to productivity. […]
An impediment is something that is putting a damper on productivity. […]
Sometimes organizations have accommodated impediments for so long that they are unwilling to remove them. […]
Scrum offers a great opportunity for increasing an organization’s productivity.”
However, if the Scrum Master does not have enough authority to rapidly resolve impediments, “maybe the organization in question isn’t ready to implement Scrum. This may provide an opportunity to reflect on the organization’s priorities and on the balance between organizational stability, flexibility, productivity, and competitiveness.”
After all, this is the question: is your organization really ready to implement Scrum?